Monday, January 30, 2012

Winter in Miami

It's easy to get a little burnt out on the heat here when its October and you're still sweating profusely, but when January comes around I am reminded why I have lived here the last eight years and have no plans to leave. I have spent the the entire day in extreme bliss. The weather is absolutely gorgeous. After some studying and errands, I began dinner. The windows are open and the sound of swaying palm trees are competing with a new Miles Davis record, appropriately titled. . .


Cucumber Salad and Scallion Meatballs 

A Day at the track

Only one "old Miami/Proper life" friend still remains in the city. While she was attending to some errands my compadre invited me to Homestead Speedway to drop off some red bull and cheer on a friend participating in the races. While my boyfriend is at the Daytona 500 we are in Homestead cheering on go carts, equally impressed by the caliber of driving.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

30 hours with Josh

It is always difficult to plan a get together especially when its destination. My old roommate Josh didn't think he would have time to make the reunion but last week decided (with the encouragement of Dani Disco) thirty hours is better than nothing. Josh brought us all presents from his time in Benin with the Peace Corp last year. The gifts really tied the group together. Instead of bandannas and mustaches, this year we all wore African necklaces, bracelets, and belly beads.


Thank you Mr. Cunningham for finally showing your face again in the 305. You have been missed. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Miami Friend Reunion!

After an unprecedented delay the week has finally come for all of my original Miami friends to reunite. My friend Dani is really the glue that holds everyone together emailing dates and encouraging everyone to come to a specific destination. We spent a couple reunions in New York, summer before last in Chicago and finally this year in Miami Beach, where it all began. . .

Chicago 2010

Hip Hip Hooray!

After about a month of correspondence with a popular cooking website I have been hired to work with them! I am completely ecstatic with the possibilities! I would say 90% of my time on the computer is looking at recipes, so working for a cooking website seems perfect. I will start February 1st! Wish me luck!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Downtown Miami Historical Tour by Dr. Paul George



Click here if you want more information on Miami historical tours.

The Best Way to Spend a Friday Night

I got back into town Wednesday morning to immediately be swept back into the madness of real life. Non vacation days suddenly seem so tiring as I try to quickly force myself back into a routine. Thursday was my first day of school which brought about the typical first days of semester fears. To welcome me home my crony invited me to the world premier of Viscera, a new ballet choreographed by Liam Scarlett. Viscera was the opener of Miami City Ballet's second program and was absolutely incredible. I am such a fan of the Miami City Ballet and fall more deeply in love with them every performance. After the show we congratulated my favorite dancer for his stunning part in the premier and celebrated at the ballet after party hosted by MCB's Upper Room.