Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I woke up this morning after a slumber party night at my girlfriend's. We did the typical slumber party things, nail painting, magazines, dinner, wine. . . and now for some reason I cannot stop thinking about my father. Maybe it's because I'm being a bit childish slumber partying it up (on a school night no less), or because it was father's day this Sunday, or possibly the phone conversion between my new friend Elodie and her father this morning "AllĂ´ Papa". To curve my longing I decided to reread some of my Papa's poetry. I picture him like he looked in 1970s photographs . . .  typing, rereading, and correcting his work with his perfect handwriting.  

Today, this poem is my favorite:


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The countdown begins . . .

Exactly one week until my mom comes to visit!

My mom, sister and me 
Hilo, Hawaii circa 1985

School's out for summer!

After a bit of a hiatus I am hopefully back on track with posting. I had an amazing week in South Dakota shooting for Knitter's magazine, though I must say I am exhausted from the week of work and delicious home made food! I immediately got ready for my last week of school at Miami Dade college and after a couple days of studying I took my last final on Friday! A milestone worth celebrating with a boat day! 
We came prepared with hummus, guacamole, and all the ingredients to make a refreshing salad. A perfect choice for lunch at the sandbar.