Friday, October 12, 2012

sesame seared tofu

Somehow all three of my classes were cancelled today, giving me the day to wake up early, do some website work, and clean the house (thank you Michael for the team effort!). After cleaning I was, of course, ravenous and decided to make tofu. It's a pretty quick lunch that can easily be thrown together, along with a lot of possible variations (mushrooms, cabbage, whatever you need to use in your fridge). The smells are absolutely incredible: garlic, fresh ginger and especially the sesame oil one of my favorite scents ever! Sometimes I find myself at night just sauntering into the kitchen for a quick whiff of it . . . though I guess that's kind of weird. . . 

Tofu - cut tofu into desired size. Remove excess water by pressing tofu 'steaks' between a couple paper towels. Cover with sesame seeds and sear in a hot pan with sesame oil and garlic.

Place over rice and top with desired toppings. I chose raw chopped ginger, grated carrots, green onions, bonito flakes, soy sauce, and korean chili paste. I served this with a simple cucumber salad for a light but filling lunch.

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