Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Players

With my new found obsession with blogs I have decided to create my own, but of what? I like to cook but I’m hardly an authority on the subject. Cats? No, I would like to keep my cat lover status under wraps for the time being . . . Chairs? How could I possibly talk about only chairs for years to come? What am I even doing with my life? I’m almost 27! I just started school, after 8 years of modeling. This immersion into the world of academia and 19 year olds may be the cause of my bemused, angsty existence (very Claire Diane’s “My So Called Life” only ten years later). I’m hoping to eventually figure out an occupation I really love, but when confronted with the question of future employment I am absolutely clueless. Everyone seems to respond to my plight with, “Well, what do you like? You’d be surprised how many jobs there are in the things you’re interested in.” This usually leads to an awkward shrug on my part because honestly, I can’t say I believe them. Ballerina isn't an option. I absolutely LOVE ballerinas. Gardening? Hmmm, I don’t even have an actual yard. Just 18 steps leading up to my doorway already littered with basil, parsley, and pineapples. Cat sitting? Currently dabbling with that one but not as a career. . . Eating? Can that be my profession? November 14th is quickly approaching with the number 27, which in my opinion is an age you are supposed to have life together (at least more together than my own). Will I ever figure it out? Whatever “it” is supposed to be. I guess I'll have to be patient and keep exploring.

So first things first, let's make a couple introductions on Lydia LN . . . 

boyfriend cheerleaders KCMO
neighbors favorite dancer the duo
dallas crony compadre

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