Monday, February 27, 2012

une petite oscar soirée

I desperately wanted to have a party for the Oscars but with such limited time and space I decided to just watch from the apartment. In desperate need of groceries I used up the remaining produce in the fridge for a light dinner and healthy snacks. I was so excited the recognition that The Artist received from the academy. It was one of the best films I've seen in a long time and deserved the award for Best Picture!

Snacks included crudités, artichoke dip, and salad. For the salad I sauteed garlic, bread crumbs and walnuts in olive oil then sprinkled the cooled mixture over a bed of greens and broccoli. I then added blue cheese, dried cranberries, and a drizzle of olive oil and pomegranate vinegar.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

a simple dinner

Even though I spent the entirety of Saturday watching movies and being lazy, some how making dinner gave the day purpose . . .

Cacio e Pepe, tomato salad, and steamed broccoli.

Everything just ended up mixed together on the same plate.

Best of the Best

South Beach Food and Wine

After a bit of a hiatus from this blog I am back. Slightly less organized and, as always, frazzled. The last couple weeks have been an adjustment with my new job as well as school, promotional work and castings. I was finally able to catch up by Friday and attend "The Best of the Best", a South Beach Food and Wine event. I was so excited to be invited! A large ballroom in the Fontaine Bleau Hotel was transformed into wine and food stations. We were able to try amazing wines and dishes from chefs and vineyards around the world. After the event our group headed to Prime Italian to talk about a our incredible evening and decide who won the award for best couple of the night. The winners, pictured below:

Honorable Mentions:

A huge thanks to my compadre's beau for making it all happen.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

a little inspiration

School: Tap

The last two years have been amazing mainly because I am in school. I had talked about it for so long and now I am actually doing it. I have had the chance to try so many things I would have probably never tried, which at times were terrifying. As far as I have come I feel like I am still trying to find my voice and speak up in class, find my confidence while doing assignments, and curve my anxiety while taking tests. I've been pushing myself so much I wanted to take it easy this semester and have fun. So I thought, why not tap? I LOVE Gene Kelly. No dance training, lack of flexibility and coordination, no problem. Surely this will be the dance I will finally excel at.. . . well . . . things aren't exactly going as I envisioned. Flanked on either side by musical theater majors I'll just say its been a very humbling experience. I actually started dreading going until I reminded myself . . . didn't I take this class for fun?! I am definitely not the best in the class but I am making strides. Below is my professor showing us the steps to our very first routine, along with a little of her own improvising at the end . . . show off ;)