Wednesday, February 8, 2012

School: Tap

The last two years have been amazing mainly because I am in school. I had talked about it for so long and now I am actually doing it. I have had the chance to try so many things I would have probably never tried, which at times were terrifying. As far as I have come I feel like I am still trying to find my voice and speak up in class, find my confidence while doing assignments, and curve my anxiety while taking tests. I've been pushing myself so much I wanted to take it easy this semester and have fun. So I thought, why not tap? I LOVE Gene Kelly. No dance training, lack of flexibility and coordination, no problem. Surely this will be the dance I will finally excel at.. . . well . . . things aren't exactly going as I envisioned. Flanked on either side by musical theater majors I'll just say its been a very humbling experience. I actually started dreading going until I reminded myself . . . didn't I take this class for fun?! I am definitely not the best in the class but I am making strides. Below is my professor showing us the steps to our very first routine, along with a little of her own improvising at the end . . . show off ;)

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