Thursday, November 29, 2012

Where to begin . . .

In the immortal words of Julie Andrews, I suppose I'll start at the very beginning. It's a very good place to start. . . I have been working for an online cooking website for the past 10 months and was invited to fly to France to meet the team and attend their 5th annual Salon du Blog Culinaire. 

The trip started out with a couple bumps (a connection through Detroit and a medical emergency that caused a slight detour in Ireland), but after a 13 hour journey I arrived in Paris. I took a train to meet my counterparts for the UK and Italy (two lovely ladies) and we hopped in a car and headed to the hosting city of Soissons. The Salon, sponsored by 750g, invites french food bloggers from all over the country to get together and host cooking demos, learn about new kitchen products, and of course enjoy some good food.

I had a delicious time but some of the highlights: 
A surprise flashmob for the hosting Chefs! 
Blue cheese everything
The surprising and one of a kind Austrian vegetable orchestra
After party snacks of foie gras and oysters
***most importantly***
Finally meeting the international team!

Thank you 750g for making it all possible!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great and lovely pics! Your trip must have been fantastic! Soissons seems to be a beautiful city and the atmosphere was great! Cool!
