Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Food & Fontainebleau

This is the third post from Fontainebleau where we spent a Saturday. Yes, all this eating happened in one single day. I have never been so full or so happy.
Crepe avec caramel au beurre salé (salted caramel sauce)
Fresh oysters - green and salty like the sea.
The market at dusk. You could find (and sample) every delicacy here - foie gras, pork roasting on a spit, cheese, sausages, jams, wine, chocolate . . . 
I didn't have an agenda after work ended, but I had a very specific list of things I had to eat while in France. Including but not limited to: a falafel at la du falafel (check), pain au chocolate (numerous, check), haribo crocs - thankfully found in every metro vending machine (check), raclette (check), mono prix brand chocolate bars (check), cheese (check), saucisson (check), more cheese (check) but at the top of my list was moules frites. I had been dreaming about this simple dish of mussels and french fries for months just picturing it. . . eat a couple mussels . . . drop a couple hot fries in the mussel's creamy liquid . . . let the french fry soak in the broth's salty goodness before devouring it. . . Mmm . . .  There was doubt that we could squeeze in another meal but we're all professionals here. Presenting our last meal in Fontainebleau and in France: moules frites. Clearly, from the photo above, I was very excited.

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