Monday, April 16, 2012

"fried chicken" tenders

Between the tartar and tofu, I don't know which craving is weirder.

I purchase firm tofu about a week ago and wanted to branch out from my usual asian inspired tofu dishes. While at publix, where they pump the delectable smell of fried chicken through the air, I was tempted to purchase the southern staple but thought, why not make "fried chicken" with the protein I already purchased? So that's exactly what I did. I marinated the tofu with buttermilk, spices and a cup of chicken stock. After a day of marinating I breaded each slice of tofu with panko breadcrumbs seasoned with salt, paprika, cayenne and cracked pepper. 15 minutes on each side in the toaster oven set at 400 provided a satisfying fried chicken substitute paired with ketchup and Stubb's bbq sauce!

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